This is the trailer video for the campaign, where we asked colleagues to send in a video of themselves describing ways they spot deepfakes.

These images are slides from the Deepfakes and Impersonations: Impact on Cybersecurity webinar hosted by Corporate Infrastructure & Security at Thermo Fisher Scientific. We brought in experts in the field of cybersecurity to talk about the dangers of deepfakes and impersonation scams, the real world impacts, and tips to protect yourself from threats. I created the entire slide deck to support the content our panelists were talking through. 
This infographic is a post-campaign wrap up of the engagement across the company. It outlines participation across regions, company business groups, and ranks each country in their participation numbers.

This is an educational video highlighted during Cybersecurity Awareness Month that teaches colleagues what to look out for when spotting a deepfake video.

This is an educational video highlighted during Cybersecurity Awareness Month that teaches colleagues what to do when they encounter a suspicious text or message from someone they know.

These supporting images are digital collateral used on across various online platforms to raise awareness including our internal SharePoint site, Viva Engage posts, Poppulo emails and email signatures.
These images are thumbnails and storyboards for the videos what were produced during this campaign. The storyboards were shared with internal communications for clarity and coherence before being used in production. The thumbnails were translated based on region the videos were shown and were displayed before every video was clicked to play.

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